Boeing 757 [24772 / 271]

Registration: N940FD
Operator: Fedex - Federal Express
HEX Code: AD0DA9
Engines: RR RB211-535E4 x 2
Fleet Name: Layla
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EC-432Boeing757-2361990Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
G-BRJFAir Europe757-2361990
EC-432Air Europa757-2361990
EC-EVDAir Europa757-2361990
G-BRJFAir Europe757-2361990
I-BRJFAir Europe Italy757-2361990ret ILFC
C-GTSJAir Transat757-2361993C-reg canc ret ILFC 28.05.03
N88AMIAI Israel757-2362003
OM-DGKAir Slovakia757-2362003frd-->BTS td, s nfcs 30.06.03, dam to wings and engine cowlings after turning by heavy winds Birmingham (BHX), UK -(-) 08.01.05
N772ABIAI Israel757-2362005
EC-JRTHola Airlines757-2362006
EC-JRTGadair European Airlines757-2362007frdNWI-->MAD fcs td
EC-JRTHola Airlines757-2362007
EC-JRTGadair European Airlines757-2362008fcs, ret IAI V & frd-->YYZ 05.03.09
C-GTSJSkyservice Airlines757-2362009csd ops Liberia (Costa Rica) 31.03.10, frd-->GYR 22.04.10
N247SSIAI Israel757-2362010
N247SSFedex - Federal Express757-2362010arrVCV 08.09.10, frd-->XSP to be F-cvtd 01.09.11
N940FDFedex - Federal Express757-236(F)2011re-rgd, F-cvtd & frd-->ANC 09.02.12. Std VCV 08.01.2024
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N940FD Fedex - Federal ExpressKLASgrahamepage
C-GTSJ Air TransatEGPKAyronautica
C-GTSJ Air TransatEGPFScottyBoy76
C-GTSJ Air TransatEGPFScottyBoy76
C-GTSJ Air TransatEGPFScottyBoy76
C-GTSJ Air TransatEGPFScottyBoy76
EC-EVD Air EuropaLSZHAyronautica
EC-432 Air EuropaEGCCAyronautica