Boeing 757 [24838 / 302]

Registration: TF-FIW
Operator: Icelandair
HEX Code: 4CC26F
Engines: RR RB211-535E4 x 2
Fleet Name: Búrfell
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PH-AHLBoeing757-27BER1990Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
PH-AHLAir Holland757-27BER1990all white
D-ABNXCondor757-27BER1990FRA tit removed 24.10.99, s1.11.99 no tit, s20.12.99, CofA for export issued 8.12.99 not used, canc 4.02.00
TF-FIWIcelandair757-27BER2000Avtn Investors 757-24838 r7.02.00, sFRA 5.04.00 Icelandair nc, add Holiday tit, due ret Icel. 9.00,
TF-FIWAeromar Lineas Aereas Dominicanas757-27BER2002sJFK fcs td
TF-FIWIcelandair757-27BER2002sSTR Icelandair-fcs and add "Holiday'-tit td
TF-FIWbmi British Midland757-27BER2003
TF-FIWIcelandair757-27BER2003sAMS small "Icelandair Holidays"-tit 23.12.03, sCPH "Loftleidir Icelandic"-tit 27.04.04
TF-FIWBlue Line Holidays757-27BER2005sLPL Blue Line Holidays-tit 25.05.05
TF-FIWIcelandair757-27BER2005sLPA is still in Blue Line-cs 16.11.05, sSZG "Loftleidir Icelandic"&"Holiday"-tit 04.01.06
VP-BFIYakutia Airlines757-27BER2007sMST fcs td, arrVKO 11.04.07
TF-FIWAir Niugini757-27BER2013
TF-FIWIcelandair757-27BER2013sSYD 26.09.15 white with Abercrombie & Kent titles/logo, sLajes 10.10.15, repainted into Fly Salone cs, frd KEF-LGW 11.12.15 for LGW-Freetown svc, Fly Salone ceased and liquidated by 23.03.16, s12.06.16 KEF now standard IS cs, s24.09.16 Abercrombie & Kent cs, s15.06.17 standard IS cs
TF-FIWTACV Cabo Verde Airlines757-27BER2017frd KEF-Praia 06-07.11.17, sis 05.18 TACV big titles, Icelandair bcs
TF-FIWIcelandair757-27BER2018Captains Choics spcs 07.18, Abercrombie cs 09.18, Albert Ballin cs 01.19, pkd OPF 08.02.19 til ar 03.19, Abercrombie 10.19, Albert Ballin 11.19. WFU and std KEF 12.03.2020. Std MCI 15.03.2021
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-FIW IcelandairEGLLEGLL Spotter
TF-FIW IcelandairEHAMGreggy
TF-FIW IcelandairOTT/OFFJLRAviation
TF-FIW IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-FIW IcelandairOTT/OFFcolinw
TF-FIW IcelandairLEPAgrahamepage
D-ABNX CondorEDDFWarthog1
00-00-0000 TF-FIW IcelandairEGLLdixieboy