Boeing 757 [24868 / 314]

Registration: EC-NQJ
Operator: Swiftair
HEX Code: 34664E
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N572CAChallenge Air Cargo757-23APF1990own Wilm 9.90, canc 13.03.00 WTC
VH-BRNSNAS Aviation757-23APF2000s15.03.00 Luton DHL col, Nordstress VH-rgd 15.03.00, to Bahrein 16.03.00, Luton 30.12.00, wfu 10.07.01 ret Nordstress after lse, frd Luton-Everett 20.07.01, sis 17.10.01 BRU , ret AWAS 25.04.02
TJ-CAFCameroon Airlines757-23APF2002exact date known now
N868ANLessor757-23APF2003frd-->KEF 05.07.03
TF-FITTNT Airways757-23APF2003sEMA opf TNT 19.12.03, sLGG fcs 31.01.04, ret Icelandair 01.06.04
B-27201Far Eastern Air Transport757-23APF2004sTSA with large "Pacific Airlines"-tit on rear fuselage 06.11.04, sTPE fcs opf Pacific East Asia Cargo 20.02.06, csd ops unk loc 13.05.08
N868ANLessor757-23APF2008arrLCQ 26.07.08
N868ANArrow Air757-23APF2009frd-->MIA 08.06.09, frd-->MZJ 31.10.09, frd-->MEX 25.06.10, PR-IOE RIO LA ntu
VQ-BOXYakutia Airlines757-23APF2011arrSt Athan for tail repairs 10.10.14
OE-LFBTNT Airways757-23APF2015frd St Athan-FCO 06.04.15 for repaint, to BRU 15.04.15, rr 27.04.15, frd BRU-LGG 25.05.15, lsd to TNT
OE-LFBASL Airlines Belgium757-23APF2016NWI-HHN 16.08.18 after paint
LZ-BRBASL Airlines Bulgaria757-23APF2021
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-NQJ SwiftairLIMCSteve OBE
OE-LFB ASL Airlines BelgiumEGBBEmirates101
N868AN Arrow AirKMZJcolinw
N572CA Challenge Air CargoKMIAAyronautica