Boeing 757 [25133 / 374]

Registration: N959FD
Operator: Fedex - Federal Express
HEX Code: AD5697
Engines: RR RB211-535E4 x 2
Fleet Name: Kylie
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
I-AEJAAir Europe Italy757-2361991G-BSNC Air Europe NTU own Sunrock/ret 5.10.92
OO-TBIBenelux Falcon757-2361992sTeesside 12.92,to BRU 26.01.93,Eindh 28.1,is 6.2 for BMW/ painted all white, ret to Italy with I-AEJA painted over, to Luton 11.92 all white/own Sunrock,lsd Trinity BVI,wetlsd Falcon, ret SAC 15.08.93
N127MAWilmington Trust Company757-2361993wfu LHR 15.08.93,OO-reg canc 5.11
N127MAMakung Airlines757-2361994sKaohsiung 28.01.94 pkd
B-17501Makung Airlines757-2361995sis? 28.01.96
N127MASunrock Aircraft Leasing757-2361996
SE-DSNSunways Airlines757-2361996repo 24.09.97, Dublin str. S19.10.97 white, s4.11.97/canc 22.11.97
XA-TJCMexicana757-2361997frd Dub-Montreal white 22.11,offic lsd from Sunrock 23.11.97, UKHTA Ltd to Sunrock 28.01.00, ex lse
N522NANational Airlines (1999)757-2362000own PegA V, ceased ops 06.11.02, ret PegA V & frd-->MZJ 07.11.02, s fcs 27.01.03, frd-->MIA 04.04.03, sTransmeridian AL-fcs 10.07.03
N522NAAir Santo Domingo757-2362003lsd from TransMeridian AL, sSanto Domingo-cs 21.09.03
N522NATransMeridian Airlines757-2362004sMIA fcs td, csd ops unk loc 29.09.05
N522NAAvianca757-2362006Transmeridian-cs, s fcs 05.01.06. arrMIA ret PegA V 23.11.10
N522NAFedex - Federal Express757-2362010frd-->VCV 06.12.10
N959FDFedex - Federal Express757-236(F)2011re-rgd, frd-->XSP to be F-cvtd 26.01.12, F-cvtd & bis 20.07.12. Std VCV 01.02.2024
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OO-TBI Benelux FalconEGLLScottyBoy76
OO-TBI Benelux FalconLFPOAyronautica
I-AEJA Air Europe ItalyLIMLWarthog1