Boeing 757 [25397 / 421]

Registration: JU-1109
Operator: MIAT Mongolian Airlines
HEX Code: 682455
Engines: PW PW2040 x 2
Fleet Name: Galbingaa
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N549UAUnited Airlines757-222(WL)1992NCC 30.01.92, own USB 24.02.06, winglets 10.08.09, own UAL 02.01.14, own WFBN 03.02.14, wfs 29.03.15, frd to Greensboro 21.05.15 for F-conversion by HAECO for VX Capital, Partners, F-cvtd, frd to Brunswick BQK 15.11.15
OO-TFCTNT Airways757-222(WF)2016frd GSO--BRU 22-23.04.16 white, N-reg canc 27.04.16, frd BRU-LGG 24.05.16, fis 30.05.16 white
OO-TFCASL Airlines Belgium757-222(WF)2016WFU and std ILD 02.06.2022
2-TFCALessor757-222(WF)2022Aquila Air Capital. Std ULN 23.07.2022
JU-1109MIAT Mongolian Airlines757-222(WF)2022Lsd from Aquila Air Capital. 757-222(PCF)(W)
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OO-TFC ASL Airlines BelgiumEGSSEGLL Spotter
N549UA United AirlinesKSFOcolinw
N549UA United AirlinesKIADWarthog1