Boeing 757 [25439 / 437]

Registration: RA-73011
Operator: VIM Avia
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABNLBoeing757-2301992Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
D-ABNLCondor757-2301992SuF,to Condor r4.96, ro nc 19.07.00 HAM, s13.04.01 add blue/yellow/blue C&N sticker on rear fus, arr Lasham 6.12.01 for str in winter, awaiting maint aft str 02.04.02, bis 18.06.02, sSTR latest-cs 15.07.02
D-ABNLThomas Cook Airlines Germany757-2302002sMUC Condor-bcs Thomas Cook-tit 18.07.03, sFRA pkd basic ocs 15.01.04, frd-->DME Condor-bcs no tit own C-C 19.03.04
RA-73011VIM Avia757-2302004D-reg canc 22.03.04, own Center Capital, sDME add Tajik Air-tit 05.09.08
RA-73011Tajik Air757-2302008
RA-73011VIM Avia757-2302009sSZG td, Eram AL slsd 22.05.09, Air Bashkortostan slsd 03.03.11 sMST ncs, still on VIM Airs fleet fcs since while opf Air Bash., wfs 25.09.17, AL ceased 15.10.17
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-ABNL CondorLGATAyronautica
D-ABNL CondorEDDFWarthog1