Boeing 757 [25441 / 446]

Registration: N888LT
Operator: Asia Pacific Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABNNBoeing757-2301992Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
D-ABNNCondor757-2301992s26.05.01 NUE old col, add C&N sticker
D-ABNNThomas Cook Airlines Germany757-2302002arrSNN for paint 12.11.02, frd-->HAM fcs 21.11.02, frd-->ORD operated in USA for "Apple Vacations" during winter 16.12.03
D-ABNNCondor757-2302004sMUC still with "Apple Vacations"-tit td, own C-C 15.10.04
RA-73014VIM Avia757-2302004own ATI 19.12.14
N302ATLessor757-230(F)2014sGYR 02.02.15, BoU to AeroLease 3 LLC 02.03.15 r18.03.15, frd to GSO 11.03.15, ALPAR I LLC bt 26.03.15 r13.04.15, being F-cvtd to Greensboro GSO, frd GSO-Brunswick BQK 19.02.17
N888LTAsia Pacific Airlines757-230(WF)2017reg res 22.02.17, winglets installed BQK 22.03.17, frd BQK--HNL 11-12.04.17 rgd to Aero Micronesia
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-ABNN CondorEDDFWarthog1