Boeing 757 [25490 / 510]

Registration: N994FD
Operator: Fedex - Federal Express
HEX Code: ADE200
Engines: PW PW2037 x 2
Fleet Name: Arthur
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N53AW Boeing757-23A1992
N53AW Lessor757-23A1992wfu sMarana 4.01.93 'AWW tit'
XA-SKQAeromextour757-23A1993ever is?
XA-SMDAeromonterrey757-23A1993quot as 'ex Aeromext XA-SKQ'/sMexC 20.04.94 white
N53AW AeroPeru757-23A1995r5.95 SB, SSB&TC r29.10.98
N490AMAeromexico757-23A1999SSB&TC own, sAtl 5.05.99, rr 7.01.00, sGDL ret AnstWW 12.01, own USB 21.01.05, frd-->MEX 18.06.05
SP-FVRFisher Air Polska757-23A2005N-reg canc td, sFRA fcs 06.08.05, sisTFS 08.01.06, sFRA pkd minus 1 engine 27.02.06, sis MAN 21.05.06
N490ANUS Bank757-23A2006str at IST
SP-FVRPrimaCharter757-23A2006sWAW still with Fisher-tit 24.07.07
N490ANLessor757-23A2008frdIST-->QLA 22.02.08, own AWMS I 15.05.08
N490ANFedex - Federal Express757-23A2008frd-->VCV 29.05.08
N994FDFedex - Federal Express757-23A(F)2008frd-->BFM to be F-cvtd 17.03.10, F-cvtd 01.11. Std VCV 02.12.2022.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N994FD Fedex - Federal ExpressKGYRgrahamepage
N994FD Fedex - Federal ExpressKATLWarthog1
N490AN LessorEGHLgrahamepage