Boeing 757 [25597 / 441]

Registration: VQ-BPY
Operator: Aviastar-TU
HEX Code: 4245AC
Engines: RR RB211-535E4 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EC-957Boeing757-2361992Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
EC-957LTE International Airways757-2361992Air Europe NTU s2.7 old reg
EC-FLYLTE International Airways757-2361992
D-AMULLTU Sud757-2361993sLTE col,LTU tit HAM 5.11 own JAC 10.93
EC-897Air Europa757-2361995to Lut for repa
EC-GBXAir Europa757-2361995sZur
EC-GBXIberia757-2361998sLHR 28.01.98 Air Eur col still, own Geonet, due ret 24.04.01, retd, s pkd Madrid 1.11.01, s10.01.02 white
EI-CZBBoullion Aviation Services757-2362002arrSTN white cs 01.09.02, r/o SEN Cebu Pacific-fcs 19.09.02, frd back-->STN 20.09.02, still at STN 09.11.02
RP-C2716Cebu Pacific Air757-2362002s Dubai onroute 20.12.02
EC-JTNGirjet757-2362006WFBN N-rgd 31.01.06, sisACE 15.06.06, csd ops when AOC witdrawn at unk loc 14.03.08
N597AGTahmid Air757-236(F)2008WFBN N-rgd 30.07.08, sSHJ Girjet-bcs Tahmid Air sticker td, frd-->VCV 24.11.08, frd-->VQQ 20.05.09, own ACG 13.07.09, F-cvtd 11.09, s17.03.10
PR-LGNVARIG Logistica757-236(F)2010csd ops TUS 01.02.12
N597AGLessor757-236(F)2012frd-->VCV 20.07.12, frd-->ILG 11.10.13, frd-->MST 11.05.14
VQ-BPYYakutia Airlines757-236(F)2014
VQ-BPYAviastar-TU757-236(F)2018WFU and std VKO 24.10.2019. Std SAW 05.03.2022. Reported due for FarCargo
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-GBX IberiaLEMDWarthog1
EC-GBX IberiaEGCCAV8 Photos
EC-GBX Air EuropaEGPHAyronautica
EC-GBX Air EuropaEGPFScottyBoy76
EC-897 Air EuropaEGPFScottyBoy76