N1902S/N1902S Amerijet International Boeing 757 Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
© colinw

Boeing 757 [26244 / 616]

Registration: N1902S
Operator: Amerijet International
HEX Code: A16ADA
Engines: RR RB211-535E4 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EC-610Boeing757-2561994Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
EC-610Iberia757-2561994wfu s25.06.94 Renton
N508NANational Airlines (1999)757-2561999sPhoe 29.07.99 as EC, full Nat col, SuAC to FSB 2.08.99 as N508NA, sGoodyear 16.08.99 N-rgd fc, ceased ops 06.11.02, ret SAC& frd-->MZJ 08.11.02, s fcs 27.01.03
TC-FLDFly Air757-2562003
TC-FLDSudan Airways757-2562003sCDG National-bcs English-tit right Arabic-tit left 08.07.03, sQLA temp str 04.11.03, s16.02.04
N262SRLessor757-2562004frd-->SEN 03.03.04, frd-->QLA white-cs 10.03.04, s Phuket Air-fcs 15.04.04
HS-KAKPhuket Airlines757-2562004sDXB 24.10.04, frd-->QLA for prior ret maint 04.03.05
TF-FITAxis Airways757-2562005own Salg-2 BV, lsd to Icelandair
TF-FITIcelandair757-2562005sSXM "Loftleidir Icelandic"-tit 21.01.06
TF-FITFlyGlobespan757-2562007sLGW with tit&taillogo 25.06.07
VP-BFGYakutia Airlines757-256(WL)2008own TF26244O, winglets 06.09.08, arrCHR ret TF26244O 16.02.14
N1902SAmerijet International757-256(PCF)2022Lsd from Icelease until 07.2023, lsd from Petrus Asset Management 07.2023. WFU and std MZJ 08.12.2023
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-FIT IcelandairKSEAcolinw
TF-FIT IcelandairEHAMGreggy
TF-FIT IcelandairEGLLJLRAviation
TF-FIT IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-FIT FlyGlobespanEGKKgrahamepage
TF-FIT IcelandairKBOScolinwPhoto Taken
EC-FYL IberiaEGLLAyronautica
EC-FYL IberiaEGLLWarthog1
EC-610 IberiaLEMDWarthog1
00-00-0000 TF-FIT IcelandairEGLLdixieboy