Boeing 757 [26245 / 617]

Registration: N286GB
Operator: Amerijet International
HEX Code: A2E4DD
Engines: RR RB211-535E4 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EC-611Boeing757-2561994Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
EC-611Iberia757-2561994wfu s25.06.94 Renton
EC-FYMIberia757-2561994ret Sunrock AC 16.11.00
N542NANational Airlines (1999)757-2562000own FSB, sLas Vegas 20.11.00 basic National, sGoodyear AZ 28.11.00 id, National AL lsd 29.03.01, own WFBN 21.04.01 ceased ops 06.11.02, ret SAC& frd-->MZJ 07.11.02, s fcs 27.01.03
TF-FISIcelandair757-2562003own WFBN, own SAC 31.03.03, frd-->CDG with "STA Mali"-flightno 29.06.03
TF-FISSierra National Airlines757-2562003sLGW Sierra National AL-tit blue tail with outline of Africa and Africa One Alliance-tit td, sLGW on last svc 25.04.04
TF-FISJetGreen Airways757-2562004csd ops DUB 12.05.04
TF-FISIcelandair757-2562004opf Air One 21.05.04, sLDE opf Volare white-cs no tit 21.06.04
TF-FISVolare Airlines757-2562004
TF-FISIcelandair757-2562004frd-->KEF td, own Salg-1 BV 01.04.05
TF-FISLoftleidir Icelandic757-2562005sCDG ncs td, sYXX winglets 01.10.06
TF-FISFlyGlobespan757-2562007no winglets
TF-FISIcelandair757-2562007sAMS white-cs no tit 22.11.07, sBNE opf Air Niugini for 1 month 01.04.08, ret B&BAM 02.09
VQ-BCKYakutia Airlines757-256(WL)2009winglets 14.02.09, wfu&arrBBU Icelandair-cs 26.04.14
TF-FISIcelandair757-256(WL)2014arrKEF td, repaint in National Geographic cs 04-15.11.19
N286GBLessor757-256(PCF)2021TVPX Trust Services . F Conv at SFB 05-12.2021
N286GBAmerijet International757-256(PCF)2022Ent svc 11.05.2022
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N286GB Amerijet InternationalKMIAWarthog1
TF-FIS IcelandairEHAMEGLL Spotter
TF-FIS IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-FIS IcelandairLSZHGreggy
VQ-BCK Yakutia AirlinesEGHLgrahamepage
VQ-BCK Yakutia AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
TF-FIS Loftleidir IcelandicLEMDJLRAviation
EC-FYM IberiaEHAMGreggy
EC-FYM IberiaEGLLAyronautica
EC-FYM IberiaEGLLAV8 Photos
EC-FYM IberiaEGLLAyronautica
EC-FYM IberiaEGLLWarthog1
EC-611 IberiaLEMDWarthog1