Boeing 757 [30887 / 946]

Registration: B-221C
Operator: SF Airlines
HEX Code: A1A66D
Engines: RR RB211-535E4 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N528ATAmerican Trans Air757-23N2000FSB,sLAX 23.04.01 basic col no tit
N528ATATA Airlines757-23N2003repo WTC 17.02.05, own SAO III 01.03.05, wfu IND 10.04.05, due frd-->SNN 06.05.05, r/o Air Horizons-fcs 23.05.05
F-GRNJAir Horizons757-23N2005csd ops CDG ret SAO I 14.11.05, frd-->FNI 19.11.05
N644UWUS Airways757-23N2006frd-->PIT Horizons-bcs 06.03.06
N205UWUS Airways757-23N(WL)2006winglets 04.03.09
N205UWAmerican Airlines757-23N(WL)2013mgd, AAL r30.12.15. WFU and std ROW 26.03.2020
N205UWLessor757-23N(WL)2021Aersale Inc.
N205UWLessor757-23N(WL)2021Bank Of Utah Trustee. Std CTU 08.05.2022 for freight conv. Conv 12.2022
B-221CSF Airlines757-23N(F)2023Boeing 757-23N(PCF) WL
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N205UW American AirlinesKLAXWarthog1
N205UW US AirwaysOTT/OFFcolinw
N205UW US AirwaysEGPFFlyDroo
N205UW US AirwaysKSANWarthog1
N205UW US AirwaysOTT/OFFAyronautica
N205UW US AirwaysEGLLgrahamepage