Boeing 767 [22567 / 30]

Registration: N767BZ
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
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Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N604TWTWA - Trans World Airlines767-231(ER)1983conv to ER
N604TWRoyal Brunei Airlines767-231(ER)1987
N604TWTWA - Trans World Airlines767-231(ER)1987str 9.09.91 MCI,TT 30880,8260l lsfr UAS,own FSBU 8.90 ret UAS 21.10.91 Marana
N604TWTransbrasil767-231(ER)1991due ret 2.92/s JFK white,red tail,TrBr tit/ret UAS 8.06.94,Kansas City 9.06.94 TT40478,12266,s pkd 1.07.94,to Marana 24.08.94 never used by TWA
N604TWTWA - Trans World Airlines767-231(ER)1995frd then Marana-St Barbara 18.11.95 for paint str,mods,acc flight 29.12.95,is 2.01.96/TWA r1.96/FSB 29.05.98, due ret 05.08, Marana 1.04.01 str tt 63248, 16448 l, PAC 767 Inc 15.05.01, WFBN 28.06.01, Restart Avtn 28.06.01, AAR C 28.06.01 f.s
N604TWJetlease Air Cargo767-231(ER)2001frd to Dublin 7.09.01 basic TWA col, for VIP-outfitting at Hamburg, bt Jetlease, bt WFBN 7.09.01, rgd 5.10.01, pkd Shannon 30.10.01 still as N604TW, rr due, purch by owner of 732 HZ-MIS, r/o SNN 08.02.02, frd-->BGR 14.03.02, sALN for interior work by Completion Air 04.02, N515DL req
VP-CMECorporate767-231(ER)2004arrFZO 27.02.04 for sale, frd-->FNI gear down 21.12.06, sCHR 05.04.07
N767BZLessor767-231(ER)2020pkd HHN, own Midrock, frd HHN--MCI 17.07.20
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VP-CME CorporateLFPBFlyDroo
VP-CME CorporateOTT/OFFcolinw
N604TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesOTT/OFFAV8 Photos
N604TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesOTT/OFFAyronautica
N604TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesEDDFWarthog1
N604TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesEGLLWarthog1