Boeing 767 [22569 / 39]

Registration: N606TW
Operator: Italian Air Force
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Military
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N606TWTWA - Trans World Airlines767-231(ER)1983wfu 8.09.91 LA,TT31772, 9036 L, conv to ER lsfr UAS 14.08.90,own FSBU 8.90 ret UAS 17.10.91 Marana/TACA Int lsd 1.10.92 NTU
N606TWTWA - Trans World Airlines767-231(ER)1993still overhaul 28.04.93/767-2 Holding r4.93,opb TWA, wfu 15.01.01, ret B767-231 AC Holdings, to VCV 31.01.01 tt 65485, 15438 l, to AAR A&ES&L 16.01.02, frd &str DUB 29.01.02, frd-->MST TWA bcs 04.06.02, frd-->DUB white-cs no tit 14.06.02, frd-->GYR & pkd 07.02.03, frd-->MIA 17.06.03, frd-->ROW 04.10.03, frd-->MZJ 27.04.04, frd-->BTS 28.06.04
OM-NSHSlovak Airlines767-231(ER)2004arrBHX for crewtraining 05.08.04, impounded BHX white-cs 20.12.04, frd-->DUB 30.04.05, frd-->BOH 13.10.05
N606TWLessor767-231(ER)2005frd-->ROW 17.02.06
PR-BRVBRA Transportes Aereos767-231(ER)2006csd ops &frd-->ROW 07.11.07
N606TWLessor767-231(ER)2008frd-->MZJ 15.02.08, own TBC 19.02.08, frd-->IAB 14.05.08
N606TWItalian Air Force767-231(ER)2008frd-->Practica di Mare td, own Boeing Company, N-reg canc by Boeing Company unk loc 24.08.12
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N606TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesLFPGAyronautica
N606TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesOTT/OFFAyronautica
N606TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesEGLLWarthog1