Boeing 767 [22570 / 63]

Registration: N651GT
Operator: ABX Air
HEX Code: A89119
Engines: PW JT9D-7R4D x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N607TWTWA - Trans World Airlines767-231(ER)1983conv to ER lsfr UAS own FSBU 14.08.90 ret UAS 3.10.91 str 8.09.91-6.11.91(then lsd FSBU again) MCI,sKans29.9,TT30800,8602 L,Marana/INA 5.95, FSB to TWA 16.06.98, GECC 8.04.99, wfu 23.01.00, ret 14.03.00 tt 67142, 15789
N707AXAirborne Express767-231(ER)2000s pkd Greensboro 7.04.00 old reg, TWA col, rr 7.06.00, sGreensboro 8.07.00 basic TWA, sis ABX fc 18.08.00
N707AXABX Air767-231(ERF)2003own DHL 20.05.10, own WFBN 13.06.11, frd-->TLV to be F-cvtd 01.11.11, N651GT req, F-cvtd 11.04.12
N707AXAtlas Air767-231(ERF)2012
N651GTAtlas Air767-231(ERF)2012
N651GTABX Air767-231(ERF)2021Op for DHL
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N651GT Atlas AirKCVGgrahamepage
N607TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesLFPGAyronautica
N607TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
N607TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesEGKKAyronautica
N607TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
N607TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesEGLLWarthog1