Boeing 767 [23058 / 101]

Registration: N655GT
Operator: Atlas Air
HEX Code: A89FF5
Engines: PW JT9D-7R4D x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
LN-SUWBraathens S.A.F.E.767-2051984
N768BEBoeing767-2051987POL tfd 27.10.87
ZK-NBDAir New Zealand767-2051987
DQ-FJAAir Pacific767-2051990own Paco,ret ILFC 28.09.94,frd Auckl-Santa Barb 2-3.11.94
N651TWTWA - Trans World Airlines767-2051994FSBU 31.10.94 tfd,r11.94,arr LAX 16.12 TT 34204,12925 L,is 18.12, FSB to TWA 4.01.99, GECC 8.04.99, wfu 8.11.00, ret GECC 1.12.00, Wilmington OH 28.12.00
N713AXAirborne Express767-2052000r28.02.01 (old reg), rr 10.05.01
N713AXABX Air767-205(F)2003own DHL 20.05.10, own WFBN 13.06.11, frd-->TLV to be F-cvtd 04.05.12, F-cvtd 10.12, N655GT req
N655GTAtlas Air767-205(F)2012WFU 24.05.2021. Std ROW 25.05.2021
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N655GT Atlas AirKCVGgrahamepage
N651TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesEGKKAyronautica
N651TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesKJFKWarthog1
N651TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesEDDFAyronautica