Boeing 767 [23280 / 131]

Registration: N251MY
Operator: Dynamic Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Written Off
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
9K-AIAKuwait Airways767-2691986
9K-AIAKuwait Airways767-2691988s3.91 i.s.
9K-AIAQatar Airways767-2691994sSharj no tit,2 small stickers (due ret when A-310 is is??)
5W-TEAPolynesian Airlines767-2691994will be bt
5W-TEAKuwait Airways767-2691994wfu s24.01.95 Abu Dhabi white,Polyn/Tongan titl
TC-ASKBirgenair767-2691995sis 22.06.95 HAM,s12.10 Birgen tit removed,Ratioflug callsign
HI-660CAALAS Nacionales767-2691995ALAS tit,still Birgen col
CC-CDXLAN Chile767-2691996ex TC- shortterm/ret Birg 6.11,sBru 7.11.96 white
TR-LEJAir Gabon767-2691996r21.11.96 (own Kuwait) due ret 11.98/white tit/ ret to less SIF&L FZE
N6373PLessor767-2691999arr Opa-L 30.01.99 full Air Gabon col,s5.99, sGSO 5.11.99 str, still Air Gabon col, own TAVIA LLC by then, s12.04.03
EX-067Phoenix Aviation767-2692004own NAC, sSHJ white-cs blue-tail no tit 09.10.04
EX-067Kam Air767-2692005sDXB same-cs with tit td
EX-067Phoenix Aviation767-2692005sSHJ pkd with Kam-tit td, sFRA no tit 18.06.05
A6-PHZPhoenix Aviation767-2692005
A6-PHZAVE.com767-2692005sADD white-cs blue tail no tit 12.04.06
N251MYLessor767-2692006frd-->SNN 17.06.06
N251MYMaxjet Airways767-2692006own KMLL II td, csd ops unk loc 24.12.07, sMIA white-cs 09.08.08, frd-->INT 11.02.09, frd-->YYZ 16.04.09, frd-->VCV 08.07.09, s24.12.10 white, KMW Leasing II N-reg canc 13.05.11
HS-KOASunny Airways767-2692011VCV-TPE 01-02.05.11, sBKK 11.05.11 white, titl, sOSC 28.07.12, sGYR str 15.12.12
N251MYLessor767-2692014repo, s02.02.15, r23.03.15, s01.07.15 Greensboro at HAECO ramp
N251MYDynamic Airways767-269201529.10.15 Fort Lauderdale 0(101) engine fire before take off, 21 injuries during evacuation/ frd Greensboro-FLL 12.09.15 presum on lse
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N251MY Maxjet AirwaysEGSSgrahamepage
N251MY Maxjet AirwaysEGSSGreggy
N251MY Maxjet AirwaysEGSSGreggy
9K-AIA Kuwait AirwaysLFPGAyronautica
9K-AIA Kuwait AirwaysEGLLWarthog1