Boeing 767 [23624 / 144]

Registration: ZS-DJI
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code: 0088EF
Engines: GE CF6-80A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
CC-CJVLAN Chile767-216ER1986ret ILFC 23.02.95
N151LFLessor767-216ER1999canc 6.04.00
5R-MFEAir Madagascar767-216ER2000s28.04.00 CDG fc, ret ILFC at Atlanta 14.03.02, spkd white no tit 17.05.02, s str VCV 30.06.02
N769BCCorporate767-216ER2003remains str VCV, frd-->XNA 19.09.03, own BGC frd-->ATL 21.10.03, swhite-cs 27.03.04
TJ-AACCameroon Government767-216ER2004sATL flag on tail and green/red/yellow stripes and blue belly 09.04.04, put in str ATL ret BGC 23.06.04, sVCV str fcs 02.09.04
N769BCUS Bank767-216ER2005rgd td, s in maint area 30.06.05, frd-->MZJ 17.08.05
N769BCFlyjet767-216ER2005own Skylease Ltd, sMZJ still str 20.02.06
G-FJECFlyjet767-216ER2006spkd LGW after testflight 18.04.06, sMAN white-cs dark blue tail no tit 03.05.06, frd-->QLA 07.07.06, dep 20.10.06
G-SJETSilverjet767-216ER2006sMST fcs 07.12.06, csd ops LTN 30.05.08
N480JCUS Bank767-216ER2008frd-->VCV 24.06.08, own WFBN 26.03.10, frd-->GIG 02.04.10, N-reg canc to South Africa 24.08.10
ZS-DJICorporate767-216ER2010sJNB white-cs, ZS-reg canc 28.10.10
ZS-DJICorporate767-216ER2010own Djibouti Government, sJNB str white-cs 17.01.12, frd-->MSE 06.12.12, sisLHR 29.06.13, sHND with "Rolling Stones"-spcs 23.02.14, frd BOH-DGX 07.10.15 white, one report it would be converted to pax configuration for Air Djibouti ops, but ntu. B/u 11.2020 at DGX
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
ZS-DJI CorporateOTT/OFFcolinw
ZS-DJI CorporateEGKKgrahamepage
G-SJET SilverjetEGGWGreggy
G-SJET SilverjetEGGWgrahamepage
G-FJEC FlyjetEGKKJLRAviation
5R-MFE Air MadagascarLFPGgrahamepage