Boeing 767 [24318 / 257]

Registration: N1511A
Operator: Amazon Air
HEX Code: A0D062
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SE-DKOSAS Scandinavian Airlines767-383ER1989wfu 20.1
LN-RCHSAS Scandinavian Airlines767-383ER1994is 22.1/own SAC 24.1,r25.1/UkL r26.02.96, nc s28.10.00, rgd to SAC-24318 Ltd 28.06.02, wfuCPH&str fcs 22.11.03, frd-->SNN 11.02.04, ret SAC-24318 Ltd 03.03.04
N318SRSunrock Aircraft Leasing767-383ER2004s white-cs 08.07.04
CS-TLOEuro Atlantic Airways767-383ER2004arrLIS td
CS-TLOEtihad Airways767-383ER2005sAUH fcs td
CS-TLOEuro Atlantic Airways767-383ER2005sLIS Ethiad-bcs td, sAMS white-cs 20.07.05, frdSNN for maint and paint into fcs 03.11.05, r/o Metallic/grey fuselage-ncs 05.11.05
CS-TLOBlue Panorama767-383ER2006Euro Atlantic-bcs Blue Panorama-tit
CS-TLOEuro Atlantic Airways767-383ER2007sLIS 22.07.07, sJED with Etihad-tit 26.12.07, sJFK no tit 18.03.08
CS-TLOAerosvit Airlines767-383ER2008
CS-TLOEuro Atlantic Airways767-383ER2008sORY td
CS-TLOEuro Atlantic Airways767-383ER2009
CS-TLORAM - Royal Air Maroc767-383ER2009ret EAW 01.10
CS-TLOAir Algerie767-383ER2010
CS-TLOEuro Atlantic Airways767-383ER2010
CS-TLOCubana767-383ER2012arrHAV td
CS-TLOEuro Atlantic Airways767-383ER2013
CS-TLOLOT Polish Airlines767-383ER2013ret EAA 06.13
CS-TLORAM - Royal Air Maroc767-383ER2013
CS-TLOEuro Atlantic Airways767-383ER2013NAS wlse, ret MED-LIS 30.10.15, wfs by 03.17 and own Sojitz Aircraft Leasing BV
N1511AAtlas Air767-383ER(F)2017F-cvtd TLV, s30.03.18, frd TLV--VCV 04-05.04.18
N1511AAmazon Air767-383ER(BDSF)2018
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N1511A Atlas AirOTT/OFFAyronautica
CS-TLO Euro Atlantic AirwaysOTT/OFFcolinw
CS-TLO Euro Atlantic AirwaysLFPGFlyDroo
LN-RCH SAS Scandinavian AirlinesEKCHWarthog1
SE-DKO SAS Scandinavian AirlinesEKCHWarthog1