Boeing 767 [24752 / 289]

Registration: N761CK
Operator: 21 Air
HEX Code: AA457B
Engines: GE CF6-80C2B6 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PP-VOIBoeing767-341ER1989Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
PP-VOIVARIG767-341ER1989sFRA fcs (was "World Cup 2002"-cs) 29.11.02, sGIG white-cs 03.06.05, sLIS "Star Alliance"-cs 16.07.05
PP-VOIVRG Linhas Aereas767-341ER2006PR-BRT to BRA TA NTU 11.07, sGIG all white-cs 07.11.07, own BAL 16.01.09
N752SJLessor767-341ER2009frd-->PLS 12.01.09, frd-->MIA 06.03.10, frd-->OPF 26.05.10, frd-->CAE 19.06.10
HS-BICBusiness Air Thailand767-341ER2010named 'Tevee 3' sHKT 31.08.10
N761CKKalitta Air767-341ER(F)2015frd BKK-TLV 04.12.15 for F-conversion, r05.01.16, F-cvtd, frd TLV--Oscada 02.08.16, is/rr 10.16, rr 09.11.16, wlsd to FedEx 12.16 for Christmas season
N761CK21 Air767-341ER(F)2022Lsd from Kalitta Air. Op for DHL
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N761CK Kalitta AirKSFOcolinw