Boeing 767 [25077 / 385]

Registration: UR-AZC
Operator: Skyline Express Airline
HEX Code:
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Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-GHGHBoeing767-37EER1991Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
F-GHGHAeromaritime767-37EER1991s7.91 all white!
F-GHGHAir France767-37EER1991rgd 16.09.91 AF,s11.91 full AF colours, PegA VI r28.12.00, due ret 31.05.03, sCDG poss ret PegA VI and became EI-DBU 12.06.03
EI-DBUTransaero Airlines767-37EER2003own PA 27993 Ireland Ltd, AL ceased 26.10.15
D-AZUBAzur Air Germany767-37EER2017ret to lessor at VKO 18.11.15, 2-rgd 18.11.15 Jet Test & Transport/Pegasus Avtn VI, Frd VKO-Teruel 02.12.15, frd LETL-MEX 29.01.16, marketed by Sky Leasing 01.06.16 for sale or lease, sMEX 01.06.16 maint area still Transaero fcs, D-reg res 07.12.16, see cn 28043, frd MEX-SAW 19-20.02.17 2-rgd, s23.05.17 fcs D-rgd, del SAW-DUS 01.06.17, fis 04.07.17, canc 12.04.18
UR-AZCAzur Air Ukraine767-37EER2018SAW--KBP 20.04.18. Std KBP 19.02.2022
UR-AZCSkyline Express Airline767-37EER2023
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-DBU Transaero AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
EI-DBU Transaero AirlinesLFPOGreggy
EI-DBU Transaero AirlinesEGLLFlyDroo
F-GHGH Air FranceLFPGAyronautica
F-GHGH Air FranceLFPGWarthog1