Boeing 767 [25132 / 417]

Registration: N641GT
Operator: Atlas Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
HL7268Boeing767-38EER1992Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
HL7268Asiana Airlines767-38EER1992ILFC, sAMS 23.05.98 hangar
N132KRLessor767-38EER1998maybe not worn
EI-CPVAir Europe Italy767-38EER1998N-reg canc 2.6, frd AMS-SNN-Milan fc 4.06.98, ILFC Ireland r4.06.98, Gulf Air swlsd 29.07.98, ret soon afterwards
EI-CPVAir Afrique767-38EER1999sJFK 14.03.99 green tit, Eur fus/tail col, Greenfly r18.08.99 still Air Eur/Afrique, ret Greenfly 23.10.99, canc 30.11.99
HL7268Asiana Airlines767-38EER1999lsd, own Greenfly (Ireland), ret AWAS at TPE 10.04
CC-CIOLAN Airlines767-38EER2004sMIA hangared bare metal PR-rgd 02.10.08
PR-VAFVRG Linhas Aereas767-38EER2008own ILFC, str at CNF as noted 11.08, s24.01.09
PR-VAFGOL Linhas Aereas767-38EER2009sGYR pkd 06.08.09, frd-->POA to go bis 30.03.10
N641GTAtlas Air767-38EER2011damaged 27.07.18 Boston PSM, hard landing causing skin crease on top of forward fuselage, frd PSM-VQQ 19.09.18 for repairs, testfl 27.12.18, ris 05.01.19
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N641GT Atlas AirEGPKAyronautica
N641GT Atlas AirEGPKAyronautica
N641GT Atlas AirEGCCSteve OBE
N641GT Atlas AirOTT/OFFGreggy
N641GT Atlas AirOTT/OFFairman45GB
N641GT Atlas AirOTT/OFFcolinw
N641GT Atlas AirOTT/OFFJLRAviation
N641GT Atlas AirEGPKFlyDroo
PR-VAF GOL Linhas AereasKGYRcolinw
EI-CPV Air Europe ItalyEGCCAV8 Photos