Boeing 767 [25535 / 491]

Registration: UR-AZD
Operator: Skyline Express Airline
HEX Code: 5083F8
Engines: PW PW4060 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N768TATACA International Airlines767-33AER1993AnstWW, Wilm own,ret 14.10.94,canc 10.94
VH-NOEVietnam Airlines767-33AER1994s17.11.94 fc/ret AnstWW 30.10.96
VH-NOEEgyptair767-33AER1996is then, ret 15.01.97/sHK 14.02.97 Crown Express logo (1 X charter) on 9.02.97,frd Auckland/ret AnstWW 15.2
F-GKAUAir France767-33AER1997rr 4.97,ret 10.97?/due Challengair 2.98 lsd, s CDG 28.02.98 white/F-canc 17.02.98 ret AnstWW 13.02.98
OO-VASLessor767-33AER1998Challengair/Airtours slsd 2-10.98 ntu
VH-NOELessor767-33AER1998frd as such CDG-Dublin white, Nordstress r4.03.98, canc 27.03.98
V5-NMBAir Namibia767-33AER1998ro fc 20.3, sis 31.3
VH-NOELessor767-33AER1999ret Dublin 3.04.99,s4.07.99 white, reg on rightside only, Nordstress r23.08.99, s25.08.99 VH-rrgd str, s4.09.99 hangared, frd to Singapore 10.09.99
VH-NOEAvianca767-33AER1999ret 21.01.00, sEverett 26.01.00 Avianca tit, s29.01.00 titles being removed
VH-NOEAir Seychelles767-33AER2000depa Everett white, tit, due ret late 6.00
N535AWAvianca767-33AER2000own AWMS II, mgd into Alianza Summa 20.05.02, own MSA I 01.08.03, ret MSA I at MZJ 11.03, frd-->Mexico City white-cs 28.03.04 (not for Mexicana)
CS-TLMEuro Atlantic Airways767-33AER2004
CS-TLMAviaJet767-33AER2004sLIS fcs small "Euro Atlantic AW"-sticker td
CS-TLMEuro Atlantic Airways767-33AER2004sLIS fcs td
CS-TLMMartinair767-33AER2005sAMS EAW-cs td, PH-MCJ req for 5 yrs lease
PH-MCJMartinair767-33AER2005sAMS Martinair-cs 03.07.05, sAMS white-cs 03.06.11
S2-AFXGMG Airlines767-33AER2011fcs, own AWAN td, noted DAC 04.08.11, sANC ret AWAN 26.04.12
N535AWMSA I767-33AER2012
CS-TRNEuro Atlantic Airways767-33AER2013Med-View AL slsd 04.10.14, ret by 15, FlyNAS wlse for hadj, ret 30.10.15 MED-LIS, frd LIS-SAW 14.03.17 ret lessor
D-AZUCAzur Air Germany767-33AER2017reg res 07.12.16, del SAW-AYT 03.07.17 D-rgd, r21.07.17, fis 24.07.17 SXF-Hurghada, wfs 22.07.18, to SAW 23.07.18, canc 14.08.18
UR-AZDAzur Air Ukraine767-33AER2018SAW-KBP 22.08.2018. Std KBP 28.03.2020, ret svc 26.05.2020. WFU and std SAW 09.10.2020, ret svc 22.11.2020. WFU and std KBP 21.02.2022.
UR-AZDSkyline Express Airline767-33AER2023Lsd from AZEX Leasing.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
UR-AZD Azur Air UkraineOTT/OFFWarthog1
UR-AZD Azur Air UkraineOTT/OFFAyronautica
UR-AZD Azur Air UkraineOTT/OFFgrahamepage
D-AZUC Azur Air GermanyOTT/OFFJLRAviation
D-AZUC Azur Air GermanyLGRPgrahamepage
CS-TRN Euro Atlantic AirwaysOTT/OFFcolinw
PH-MCJ MartinairOTT/OFFcolinw
PH-MCJ MartinairOTT/OFFAyronautica
V5-NMB Air NamibiaEIDWAyronautica