Boeing 767 [26208 / 505]

Registration: N1619A
Operator: Amazon Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EI-CKEAeroflot - Russian Airlines767-3Y0ER1994GPA, wfs sEverett 3.09.93 metallic,3.94,sfull AFL col 24.06.94 to be lsd via GECAS, arr Shann 16.9,LHR 22.9,maint,depa 27.09.94, frd to Greensboro 25.11.99, ret GECAS 16.12.99
N639TWTWA - Trans World Airlines767-3Y0ER2000ILFC/Delta 98 ntu, GECC, sGreensboro NC 6.01.00 N-rgd, GECC r10.01.00, tt 23206, 3184 l, TWA lsd 23.02.00, LIFT LLC 26.06.01
N639TWAmerican Airlines767-3Y0ER2001wfs &pkd St. Louis 31.10.02 TT 34520 5240 cyc, frd-->GSO & str 05.11.02, ret Lift Missouri LLC 12.03.03, s 12.04.03
PP-VTEVARIG767-3Y0ER2003Euro Atlantic AW lsd, sLIS white-cs no tit 02.09.03, sLIS Varig-tit on front Euro Atlantic AW-tit on tail and rear 12.10.03, sLIS Varig-tail-cs added 10.06.04
PP-VTEVRG Linhas Aereas767-3Y0ER2006sGIG Euro Atlantic tit removed 10.06.07, sGRU prior lease ret maint 01.07.08
S9-DBYSTP Airways767-3Y0ER2008own GECAS, lsd to EuroAtlantic AW, sisLIS opf TAAG Angolan AL td, sCDG opf Cubana 22.10.08
CS-TFTEuro Atlantic Airways767-3Y0ER2009sSNN fcs td, sLIS "Med-View Airline The Airline of Nigeria"-tit 25.12.09
CS-TFTSunwing Airlines767-3Y0ER2011
CS-TFTEuro Atlantic Airways767-3Y0ER2012
CS-TFTAir Canada767-3Y0ER2014
CS-TFTEuro Atlantic Airways767-3Y0ER2014frd LIS-JED 23.11.16 Nas slsd, ret 03.01.17 JED-NPO
N1619AAmazon Air767-3Y0ER(F)2017being F-cvtd at TLV by 01.18, frd TLV-Amarillo 24-25.08.18 still Euro Atlantic bcs, repaint in Prime Air cs, frd to CVG 08.09.18
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
CS-TFT Euro Atlantic AirwaysEGCCcolinw
CS-TFT Sunwing AirlinesOTT/OFFAyronautica
CS-TFT Sunwing AirlinesCYYZGreggy
CS-TFT Sunwing AirlinesLFPGFlyDroo
CS-TFT Euro Atlantic AirwaysEGLLRJflyerPhoto Taken
CS-TFT Euro Atlantic AirwaysEGLLgrahamepage
S9-DBY STP AirwaysOTT/OFFgrahamepage
EI-CKE Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesEGLLWarthog1
00-00-0000 CS-TFT Euro Atlantic AirwaysLPPTdixieboy