Boeing 767 [26971 / 663]

Registration: TF-ISP
Operator: Icelandair
HEX Code: 4CC27E
Engines: GE CF6-80C2B6F x 2
Fleet Name: Heimaey
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
ZK-NCKBoeing767-319ER1997Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
ZK-NCKAir New Zealand767-319ER1997
ZK-NCKAir Caledonie International767-319ER(WL)2007sKIX "Air Calin"-stickers td, winglets 11.07.09
ZK-NCKAir New Zealand767-319ER(WL)2009for sale repo 02.03.16, tt 88522, 15636 l, wfs 08.05.16, canc 08.07.16 exported
TF-ISPIcelandair767-319ER(WL)2016frd ALC-Xiamen 21.11.16 rrgd, frd XMN-KEF 10-11.02.17, fis 16.02.17
N2697LLessor767-319ER(BDSF)2021Airco EHF. Freight conv carried out at QPG 05.2022.
TF-ISPIcelandair767-319ER(BDSF)2023Icelandair Cargo banner titles. Sky blue tail design.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-ISP IcelandairEGCCSteve OBE
TF-ISP IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-ISP IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-ISP IcelandairEGLLGreggy
TF-ISP IcelandairEGLLGreggy
TF-ISP IcelandairEGLLGreggy
TF-ISP IcelandairKSFOcolinw
TF-ISP IcelandairEGLLcolinw
TF-ISP IcelandairEDDFGreggy
TF-ISP IcelandairEGLLcolinw
TF-ISP IcelandairEGLLGreggy
TF-ISP IcelandairOTT/OFFcolinw
TF-ISP IcelandairEGLLAyronautica
TF-ISP IcelandairEGLLgrahamepage
TF-ISP IcelandairEGPFFlyDroo