Boeing 767 [26984 / 518]

Registration: N460CM
Operator: CAMI-Cargo Aircraft Management
HEX Code: A599D9
Engines: PW PW4060 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABUECondor767-330ER1993own LLF 10.93,LLBXR r1.94
D-ABUEThomas Cook Airlines Germany767-330ER2002sFRA fcs 12.10.03
D-ABUECondor767-330ER(WL)2004Condor-tit applied HAM 07.06.04, sFRA TC-cs Condor-tit 08.04.05, winglets 28.07.09, special Janosch cs (when?), repainted Xiamen in old blue cs with Sunny hear logo, fis 31.10.15. WFU and std DUS 15.09.2023. StdILN 02.12.2023
N460CMCAMI-Cargo Aircraft Management767-330ER(WL)2024Std TLV 25.08.2024 for freight conv
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-ABUE CondorOTT/OFFstewartgholman
D-ABUE CondorEDDFpspeters
D-ABUE CondorEDDFGreggy
D-ABUE CondorKLASGreggy
D-ABUE CondorOTT/OFFcolinw
D-ABUE CondorMYNNGreggy
D-ABUE CondorKLASGreggy
D-ABUE CondorEDDFGreggy
D-ABUE Thomas Cook Airlines GermanyEDDFAyronautica
D-ABUE CondorEDDLWarthog1
D-ABUE CondorEDDFAyronautica
00-00-0000 D-ABUE CondorEDDFdixieboy