Boeing 767 [27428 / 586]

Registration: N1499A
Operator: Amazon Air
HEX Code: A0C7B3
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N60668Boeing767-328ER1995sEv. 6.10.95/Air France NTU F-GHGM (in JAPL repo GHGO)/s11.95 metallic
V8-RBMRoyal Brunei Airlines767-328ER1996
V8-RBMVietnam Airlines767-328ER1996s1.06.96 fc
V8-RBMRoyal Brunei Airlines767-328ER1997is white/fc 11.97/Swiss World lsd 98 ntu
S7-RGTVietnam Airlines767-328ER1998sis 25.10.98 basic Brunei col
V8-RBMRoyal Brunei Airlines767-328ER1998
S7-RGTCorporate767-328ER1999sLHR basic col, UAE flag (Abu Dhabi Amiri Flight lsd) 2.05.99, s12.06.99 still no tit, pkd FRA 4.00 (for weeks), to Algiers 2.05.00 for short Air Algerie lse (own by??), s3.5 basic RBr col no tit, s29.05.00 red Air Alg tit, id s26.08.00, 25.11.00
V8-RBMRoyal Brunei Airlines767-328ER2001sOsaka full fus col, white tail
V8-RBMAir Europa767-328ER2004sMAD fcs td
EC-JJJAir Europa767-328ER2005sBUD td
VQ-BBIS7 Airlines767-328ER2008own AWAS, own DAE 08.17, wfs 08.10.17 OVB, frd to HKG 21.01.18
N1499AAtlas Air767-328ER(F)2018F-cvtd and testfl TPE 21.08.18 full Prime Air cs, TPE--CVG 22-23.08.18, wetlsd to Amazon Prime Air 09.18
N1499AAmazon Air767-328ER(BCF)2018Opb Atlas
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-JJJ Air EuropaEGKKJLRAviation
EC-JJJ Air EuropaLEMDGreggy
S7-RGT CorporateEGPKAyronautica