Boeing 767 [28149 / 627]

Registration: N968AS
Operator: Eastern Airlines
HEX Code: AD79EF
Engines: RR RB211-524H x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
B-2569Boeing767-3W0ER1996Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
B-2569China Yunnan Airlines767-3W0ER1996
B-2569China Eastern Airlines767-3W0ER2003sPEK Yunnan-bcs td, sfcs 07.01.04
JU-1011MIAT Mongolian Airlines767-3W0ER2011own ALC, sNRT 30.05.11 nc, wfs 23.05.16, str ROW 24.06.16 offered for lease or sale
N968ASLessor767-3W0ER2016testfl ROW 14.08.17, canc 17.08.17
VP-BRERoyal Flight Airlines767-3W0ER2017ROW--DME 22-23.08.17, wfs 18.09.18, frd DME--GYR 19-20.09.18 for maint, ret DME 29.09.18, DME--GYR 19-20.06.20 for maint. WFU and std IST 07.03.2022.
N968ASLessor767-3W0ER2022AerSale inc. Std ROW 01.04.2022
N968ASEastern Airlines 767-3W0ER2022Std MCI 04.05.2023
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