Boeing 767 [28495 / 643]

Registration: N1439A
Operator: Amazon Air
HEX Code: A0B169
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VH-NOALessor767-33AER1997VH-BZI NTU
VH-NOAVietnam Airlines767-33AER1997ret Anst 3.98
OO-CTRCity Bird767-33AER1998ho 14.05.98, sBru 10.08.98 white, Citybird logo, slsd 16.12.98-31.01.99 Lauda Italy, full City bird col, small tit on left, ret is Citybird 5.02.99, wfs 28.03.99
OO-CTRLuxair767-33AER1999is to Newark 30.03.99,small Luxair stickers
OO-CTRCity Bird767-33AER2000sOrly white/tit
OO-CTRCameroon Airlines767-33AER2000due ret 28.02.01, sCDG 23.12.00 white, tit, s22.01.01 tit, logo, ret 28.01.01
OO-CTRCity Bird767-33AER2001sBRU 29.01.01 Cameroon tit removed, s17.02.01 white, City Bird tit/logo, dam 1.03.01, ret is 16.04.01, basic white, tit s6.05.01 BRU, arr Lemwerder 11.07.01 for repaint, OO-reg canc 9.08.01
VH-BZIAnsett Australia767-33AER2001Lemwerder-Luton 27.07.01 full col, still OO-CTR rgd, rrgd by 9.08.01 Luton fc, offic rgd 10.08.01, depa 3.09.01, r 12.09.01, never ent. svc, frd Auckland 5.10.01 ret AnstWW, rgd 18.10.01
VH-BZIQantas767-33AER2001is 2.11.01, white, titles, add small "operated by Ansett Worldwide for QANTAS" titles, s Sydney 5.11.01, rgd to AWO 24.04.02, ret AWO at Sydney 26.10.02
N284ANPLUNA767-33AER2002own AWMS II
CX-PUBPLUNA767-33AER2002ret AWMS II 18.12.07
N495ANLessor767-33AER2008own AWMS I 30.07.08
VP-BVHS7 Airlines767-33AER2008wfs 25.09.17 and str TLV 26.09.17 for F-conv
N1439AAir Transport International767-33AER(BDSF)2017to be opf Prime Air (Amazon), F-cvtd, frd TLV--Amarillo 31.05-01.06.18, Andromeda Leasing LLC r11.10.18
N1439AAmazon Air767-33AER(BDSF)2017Opb ATI - Air Transport International
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N1439A Amazon AirKJFKSteve OBE
N1439A Amazon AirKABQgrahamepage