Boeing 767 [28979 / 691]

Registration: B-20AV
Operator: SF Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-OBYEBoeing767-304ER1998Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
G-OBYEBritannia Airways767-304ER1998Garuda wlsd, wfs 8.05.98, ret 9.05.98 Brita
D-AGYEBritannia Deutschland767-304ER1998frd then to SXF, rr 30.10, is 1.11
G-OBYEBritannia Airways767-304ER1999r28.10.99, arr Luton, rr and to Manchester 29.10.99, Garuda 8.02.00, Brita ret 17.04.00, Garuda lsd 22.1-26.02.01, 9.3-11.04.01, is 19.04.01 for Britannia AB, sis 11.09.01 for Britannia AW, named "Bill Travers" , lsd Garuda 18.01.02 (frd Luton--Ujang Pandang), ret Britannia 25.03.02, for repaint to MST 27.03.02, s Brit AW fncs 05.04.02, sLTN "Garuda"-tit and taillogo 30.12.02
G-OBYEGaruda Indonesia767-304ER2003frd-->CGK for Hadj td
G-OBYEBritannia Airways767-304ER2003
G-OBYEGaruda Indonesia767-304ER2003
G-OBYEBritannia Airways767-304ER2004arrLTN td, sSZG "World of TUI"-fcs 20.03.04
G-OBYEGaruda Indonesia767-304ER2004Garuda tit&taillogo, till 25.02.05
G-OBYEThomsonFly767-304ER2005sSZG TUI-cs Thomsonfly-tit 12.03.05
G-OBYEGaruda Indonesia767-304ER2006arrAKL for maint prior lease td
G-OBYEThomson Airways767-304ER(WL)2009winglets 24.04.10
G-OBYEGaruda Indonesia767-304ER(WL)2010for Hadj, ret Thomson AW 10.11
G-OBYEThomson Airways767-304ER(WL)2014wfs 25.10.15
D-ATYETUIfly767-304ER(WL)2015frd MAN-CGN G-rgd, to opf Eurowings til 04.16 in TUI ncs no titles, fis 07.11.15
G-OBYEThomson Airways767-304ER(WL)2016frd CGN-SNN, r03.05.16, fis 15.05.16, repo 07.17 to be for sale available 11.17
G-OBYETUI Airways767-304ER(WL)2017wfs 31.10.17, frd BRU-St Athan 22.11.17, frd to GYR 12-13.12.17 for F-conversion, canc 14.12.17
B-20AVSF Airlines767-304ER(WF)2019WFBN N-rgd 15.12.17, frd GYR--TPE 01-03.12.18 ex TUI cs for F-conv, TPE--SZX 13.05.19
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-OBYE Thomson AirwaysEGKKGreggy
PH-OYE ArkeFlyOTT/OFFWarthog1
PH-OYE ArkeFlyOTT/OFFWarthog1
PH-OYE ArkeFlyOTT/OFFcolinw
G-OBYE Garuda IndonesiaOTT/OFFcolinw
G-OBYE Garuda IndonesiaEGKKWarthog1
G-OBYE ThomsonFlyEGKKJLRAviation
G-OBYE Britannia AirwaysEGCCAyronautica
G-OBYE Britannia AirwaysEGCCAyronautica
G-OBYE Britannia AirwaysEGCCAyronautica
G-OBYE Britannia AirwaysEGCCAyronautica
G-OBYE Britannia AirwaysEGKKWarthog1
00-00-0000 G-OBYE TUI AirwaysEGBBdixieboy