TF-ISO/TFISO Icelandair Boeing 767 Airframe Information -
© Ayronautica

Boeing 767 [29388 / 785]

Registration: TF-ISO
Operator: Icelandair
HEX Code: 4CC279
Engines: GE CF6-80C2B6F x 2
Fleet Name: Hlooufell
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
ZK-NCNBoeing767-319ER2000Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
ZK-NCNAir New Zealand767-319ER2000ILFC, ex ILFC 767-400 realloc, wfs AKL 26.02.06, frd-->RCM 20.03.06, repainted Flyglobespan & frd AKL 29.03.06, ret ILFC
G-CDPTAir India767-319ER2006sDXB Flyglobespan-bcs Air India-tit td, was not ret Flyglobespan 19.10.07
G-CDPTGaruda Indonesia767-319ER2008for Hadj
G-CDPTGabon Airlines767-319ER2009Flyglobespan ret 10.03.09
G-CDPTAir Austral767-319ER2009sTLS small Air Austral-sticker 01.05.09
G-CDPTFlyNAS - National Air Services767-319ER2009wfs&pkd MED 16.12.09, frd-->MIA 19.01.10
G-CDPTFlyGlobespan767-319ER2009wfs& frd-->GLA 31.01.09
EI-UNCTransaero Airlines767-319ER2010own ILFC Ireland, wfs 14.09.15, frd to MAN 15.09.15
TF-ISOIcelandair767-319ER(WL)2015sMAN 28.09.15 fcs, frd MAN-SNN 01.10.15 for str, frd to KEF 22.12.15, TF-rgd 02.16, frd KEF-XMN 16.03.16 for maint, winglets, frd to KEF 11.05.16, sis 15.05.16
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-ISO IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-ISO IcelandairEGLLGreggy
TF-ISO IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-ISO IcelandairEGCCSteve OBE
TF-ISO IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-ISO IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-ISO IcelandairOTT/OFFRJflyer
TF-ISO IcelandairOTT/OFFRJflyer
TF-ISO IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-ISO IcelandairEGLLGreggy
TF-ISO IcelandairEGLLGreggy
TF-ISO IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-ISO IcelandairOTT/OFFRJflyer
TF-ISO IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-ISO IcelandairEGCCAV8 PhotosPhoto Taken
TF-ISO IcelandairEGLLGreggy
TF-ISO IcelandairOTT/OFFRJflyer
TF-ISO IcelandairEGLLGreggy
TF-ISO IcelandairEGLLAyronauticaPhoto Taken
TF-ISO IcelandairEGLLcolinw
TF-ISO IcelandairEGLLJLRAviation
TF-ISO IcelandairEGLLcolinw
TF-ISO IcelandairEGLLEGLL Spotter
TF-ISO IcelandairEGLLGreggy
TF-ISO IcelandairEGLLGreggy
TF-ISO IcelandairOTT/OFFAyronautica
TF-ISO IcelandairEGLLgrahamepage
EI-UNC Transaero AirlinesEGLLFlyDroo
EI-UNC Transaero AirlinesEGLLgrahamepage
EI-UNC Transaero AirlinesEGLLcolinw
G-CDPT FlyGlobespanEGKKRJflyerPhoto Taken
G-CDPT Air IndiaEGLLgrahamepage
G-CDPT FlyGlobespanEGPFAyronautica