Boeing 767 [29435 / 720]

Registration: 9H-CAH
Operator: Challenge Airlines MT
HEX Code: 4D203D
Engines: PW PW4062 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AMUOBoeing767-3G5ER1998Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
D-AMUOLTU International Airways767-3G5ER1998wfs Germany by 10.01, for outfitting, s HAM being paint Blue Panorama-cs 31.07.02, to be sold to ILFC 08.02
EI-CZHBlue Panorama767-3G5ER2002own ILFC Ireland, own ILFC Aircraft 76B-29435 Ltd 18.11.10, arrSNN for maint ret ILFC 12.03.13, sSNN Nordwind-cs13.05.13
VP-BOYNordwind Airlines767-3G5ER2013
VP-BOYIkar Airlines767-3G5ER2013sUUS "Pegas"-tit td
VP-BOYNordwind Airlines767-3G5ER2020Std SVO 12.04.2020. Ret svc 24.04.2020.
VP-BOYLessor767-3G5ER2021AerCap Aviation Solutions BV. Std ISL 17.11.2021
4X-IAHIAI - Israel Aircraft Industries767-3G5ER2022
4X-IAHChallenge Airlines IL767-3G5ER(BDSF)2023Lsd from AerCap. Ent svc 23.06.2023. Config as Preighter until 12.2023. Freight conv at TLV 12.2023-09.2024
9H-CAHChallenge Airlines MT767-3G5ER(BDSF)2024Lsd from AerCap. Frd TLV-MLA 25.09.2024 on del.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-CZH Blue PanoramaEGPKAyronautica
D-AMUO LTU International AirwaysEDDLWarthog1