Boeing 767 [30301 / 762]

Registration: 9H-CAD
Operator: Challenge Airlines MT
HEX Code: 4D23E1
Engines: PW PW4060 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N636TWTWA - Trans World Airlines767-331ER1999ILFC
N636TWAmerican Airlines767-331ER2001sis after mgd 21.03.02, wfs&pkd Los Angeles 31.10.02 TT13420 2294 cyc, frd-->GSO &str 14.11.02, ret ILFC 12.03.03, s Air China-cs 01.05.03
B-2496Air China767-3Q8ER2003
S2-AFDGMG Airlines767-3Q8ER2010sPEK fcs td, wfs&arrMIA ret lessor 20.03.12
N431LFLessor767-3Q8ER2012Emir AL lsd as HZ-EMR1 NTU, s white cs 15.08.12, s Nordwind-cs 21.09.12
VP-BMCNordwind Airlines767-3Q8ER2012
VP-BMCPegas Fly767-3Q8ER2014Own IKAR.
VP-BMCNordwind Airlines767-3Q8ER2022WFU and std AYT 27.02.2022.
VP-BMCLessor767-3Q8ER2022Std NAP 28.07.2022. Std MLA 21.09.2022
9H-CADChallenge Airlines MT767-3Q8ER(BDSF)2022Lsd from AerCap Aviation Solutions BV. Conf as 'Preighter'. Std LGG 16.11.2022. Std BEG 08.03.2023. Std LGG 04.07.2023. Std BEG 14.08.2023 for freight conv 14.08.2023. Freight conv at BEG 08.2023-09.2024. Frd BEG-LGG 18.09.2024
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VP-BMC Pegas FlyOTT/OFFgrahamepage
N636TW TWA - Trans World AirlinesEGKKgrahamepage