Boeing 777 [26925 / 13]

Registration: EI-UNZ
Operator: Transaero Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N770UAUnited Airlines777-2221995rBNY 19.12.95, USB r19.05.04 lsd to UAL, frd GYR-SFO 12.06.04 but also repo arr GYR 12.06.04.for str, WFBN 14.10.04, still str GYR s14.10.04 UAL col
PP-VRJVARIG777-2222005arr Rio 09.04.05 rrgd, ex UAL col, presum on del, to be repainted and in svc 05.05, sis 19.05.05 LHR fc, wfu 12.07.06 GIG (last RG 777 service)
N770UALessor777-2222006frd GIG-Fort Worth AFW 12.12.06 full RG col, long term str, frd to New Iberia LA 12.04.07
EI-UNZTransaero Airlines777-2222008WFB to WFBN 13.12.07, frd AFW-YMX 17.12.07 Orix Leasing, s27.07.08 fc, still N-rgd, frd YMX-Rome NY 05.09.08, N-reg canc 26.09.08, frd Rome NY-DME 30.09-01.10.08, sis DXB 24.10.08 fc, frd VKO-Teruel LETL 23.10.15 ret lessor, for sale 06.16, canc 14.06.17 pwfu
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EI-UNZ Transaero AirlinesCYYZFlyDroo
EI-UNZ Transaero AirlinesEGLLcolinw
EI-UNZ Transaero AirlinesEGLLgrahamepage
N770UA United AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
N770UA United AirlinesEGLLWarthog1