Boeing 777 [28393 / 152]

Registration: JA8941
Operator: Japan Airlines
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
JA8941Boeing777-3461998Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
JA8941Japan Airlines777-3461998DiE-SLCAL-TLC-SBL-CaL-JLSL-NLEL r31.07.98, r/o 23.05.04 new JAL col, add Olympic Game sticker, r/o 18.12.05 JAL Goku Saiyuuki special col, last svc as such 01.04.06, repaint normal col, sis 30.04.06, r/o 01.05.07 OneWorld special col, r/o 05.02.08 standard col, JAL r05.12.08 ex lse, JAL r08.01.09 ex lse, r/o 28.07.09 special Kobukuro Calling (popgroup) col, frd to NRT 27.01.10, r/o 13.02.10 special "Doraemon" col on rear fus, r/o 15.05.10 standard col, s16.10.11 'old colours', r/o 26.11.11 new l
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JA8941 Japan AirlinesRJTTcolinw