Boeing 777 [28519 / 237]

Registration: N643BC
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
9V-SQHBoeing777-212ER1999Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
9V-SQHSingapore Airlines777-212ER1999sNRT 18.10.07 nc
9V-OTEScoot777-212ER2013acc flight SIN, fcs old regi, s24.06.15 white, testflying, to be ret to Boeing
VP-BVYVIM Avia777-212ER2017Boeing AHC 13.08.15 N-rgd, frd SIN--VCV 21-22.08.15 for str, s05.11.15 white, complete, marketed by Boeing as for sale or lease 03.16, s03.04.16, testflight 09.03.17, canc 21.03.17 to Bermuda, frd VCV--Ulyanovsk 09-10.06.17, sDME 11.06.17 white, AL ceased 15.10.17
N643BCCorporate777-212ER2019Boeing AHC r03.11.17, UAM bt ar 11.18 for part out, broken up 06.20 VCV
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N643BC CorporateKVCVgrahamepage
VP-BVY VIM AviaLGRPgrahamepage