Boeing 777 [28714 / 205]

Registration: EI-UNV
Operator: Transaero Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N205UAUnited Airlines777-222ER1999frd SFO-Goodyear 30.07.03 for str/ lease return, s28.03.04 fc str, s11.10.04
VT-AIKAir India777-222ER2004USB 12.11.04, for LHR ops, painted New Iberia LA, frd KARA-JFK 16.12.04, s fc JFK 22.12.04, still not del yet due to export paperwork delays, frd LHR-DEL 23-24.12.04, VT-AIK (not VT-AII) rgd 24.12.04, due in svc 30.12.04 DEL-LHR, postponed, sis LHR 06.01.05,Failaka Ltd r27.01.06, dam Mumbai 16.05.08 when nosewheel collapsed at gate, still old col
EI-UNVTransaero Airlines777-222ER2010sPEK 03.05.10 white, blue belly no titl, sDEL 30.05.10, frd PEK-DEL-FRA-RME 04-05.06.10 same basic col, VT-reg canc 18.06.10, N-rgd WTC 21.06.10, canc 19.08.10, EI-rgd ALAFCO Irish Aircraft Leasing One r20.08.10, frd Rome NY-Syracuse-DME 25-26.08.10, wfs 29.09.13, frd DME-SNN 08.10.12 for storage, frd SNN-DME 04.05.14, AL ceased 26.10.15, frd VKO-VLC 14.11.15, Teruel 16.11.15 for str, reg canc 13.12.16 pwfu Teruel
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VT-AIK Air IndiaEGLLAyronautica
VT-AIK Air IndiaOTT/OFFcolinw
VT-AIK Air IndiaKEWRGreggy
VT-AIK Air IndiaEGLLgrahamepage
VT-AIK Air IndiaEGLLJLRAviation
N205UA United AirlinesEGLLGreggy
N205UA United AirlinesKORDWarthog1