Boeing 777 [30214 / 254]

Registration: EI-UNW
Operator: Transaero Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N208UAUnited Airlines777-222ER1999frd LAX-Goodyear 27.07.03 str, s04.10.03, s30.10.04 still fc, own US Bank canc 08.12.04 and frd to LAX
PP-VRFVARIG777-222ER2004sis fc 24.02.05 GRU, grounded at GIG by 07.07.06, no engines by 14.08.06, repo str JFK by 03.07
N208UAUS Bank777-222ER2007US Bank N-rgd 19.06.07, frd GIG-Ft Worth AFW 03.07.07, frd to Singapore 07-09.09.07 N-rgd, due for Royal Brunei 2007, ntu, s str Sing. 07.03.08 white, sHKG 15.09.08 white, sold US Bank to Bakersvalley Partners Corp 18.09.08, Larafort Aircraft Leasing Ltd 18.09.08, WFBN 18.09.08, frd HKG-YMX 20.09.08, Rome NY 25.09.08
EI-UNWTransaero Airlines777-222ER2009repo del 19.02.09 but postponed see cn 26925, sRome NY 14.01.09 N-rgd, EI under wing, fc, frd RME-SAT 12.02.09 for paint, still sSAT 16.04.09 Tr. col, WFBN, frd SAT-Rome NY 06.12.09, Larafort Aircraft Leasing 11.12.09, EI-rgd 14.12.09, finally del 17.12.09 RME-LED, frd VKO-Teruel LETL 23.10.15 ret lessor, for sale 06.16, canc 07.07.17 pwfu
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-UNW Transaero AirlinesKJFKGreggy
EI-UNW Transaero AirlinesOTT/OFFAyronautica
EI-UNW Transaero AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
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N208UA United AirlinesKORDWarthog1