Boeing 777 [40668 / 937]

Registration: CS-TQX
Operator: White Airways
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
3C-LLSBoeing777-2FBLR2011Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
3C-LLSCeiba Intercontinental777-2FBLR2011del PAE-HAM 17-18.06.11, sold by BBJ to Ceiba Int (not as BBJ in official Boeing orderbook), pkd HAM, 'Ceiba' titles removed, still not known if for VIP outfit or to be used for Malabo-MAD services, frd HAM-Malabo 08.03.12 after installation of three class interior, sPEK 22.07.12
CS-TQXWhite Airways777-2FBLR2012frd SSG-LIS 08.08.12 for ops in full Ceiba Int cs, frd LIS-Malabo 21.08.12, impounded Madrid 2014 dispute between BTP Fitzpatrick GE and the government of Equatorial Guinea about the 2004 construction of a motorway, presum ret in svc; sLyon 26.03.15
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