Boeing 777 [60116 / 1258]

Registration: P4-SKN
Operator: Equatorial Guinea Government
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Government
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
3C-MABBoeing777-2FBLR2014Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
3C-MABCeiba Intercontinental777-2FBLR2014frd 11.12.14 to Basel for VIP-outfitting, white, seized Basel 10.07.15 while being outfitted due to dispute between the Commercial Bank Guinea Ecuatorial (CBGE) and the government of Equatorial Guinea, claim lost, aircraft free to return to Ceiba reported 07.10.15, repo 02.17 Spanish court decided it can be seized again, so the aircraft avoids Spain, local test flight Basel 29.04.17 white
P4-SKNEquatorial Guinea Government777-2FBLR2017frd Bodum--DEL 15-16.12.17
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