Boeing 787 [34486 / 9]

Registration: JA804A
Operator: ANA - All Nippon Airways
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
JA804AANA - All Nippon Airways787-82012ZA102, s 12.09 PAE flightline, ANA tail, white fus., s03.09.10 on 767 line, fc first repo N6066Z but ff as N1006F, s11.08.11 ANA tail, white fuselage, sPAE 10.09.11 ANA cs, first repo as JA803A, s01.12.11, depa 16.01.12, r/o HND 22.01.12 large 787 titles, emergency landed 16.01.13 Takamatsu 0(137) accu fire, combined with other incidents reason to ground all 787s on 17.01.13, pkd Takamatsu s03.02.13, airtest 16.05.13, ret in svc 01.06.13
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
JA804A ANA - All Nippon AirwaysRJTTLGW_Harris