Boeing 787 [34505 / 12]

Registration: ET-ATL
Operator: Ethiopian Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
ET-ATLEthiopian Airlines787-82016ZA104->ZA501, cn realloc from 34508 to 34505 ann 03.11, sPAE 06.08.11 ANA fcs no engines, first repo to be JA805A ntu, JA821A ntu, repo 04.13 ANA ntu/reallocated, s11.13 str ANA cs marked as JA805A, repo 02.14 Transaero ntu, s30.11.14 ex ANA cs, under tow to EMC, s11.05.16 still ANA bcs on ff, frd VCV-PAE 12.06.16 now fcs, sold to AWAS on del, named 'Colonel Robinson'
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
ET-ATL Ethiopian AirlinesEGCCGreggy
ET-ATL Ethiopian AirlinesLGRPgrahamepage