Boeing 787 [34510 / 22]

Registration: F-OLRC
Operator: Air Austral
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-OLRCAir Austral787-82016ZA115,starts final assembly 26.04.10, s03.09.10 Everett ANA col, s26.08.12 str no engines, s08.07.13 ANA cs, JA820A ntu, ANA ntu ann 07.13, s11.13 str ANA cs no regi, repo 02.14 Transaero ntu, due Air Austral repo 02.15, s21.02.15 outside, wings covered by cloth, ANA cs, Boeing Comp N-rgd 19.08.15, frd PAE-VCV 25.01.16 ANA cs, for repaint, frd VCV-PAE full Austral cs, del PAE 23.05.16, s pkd BHX 25.06.18
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