Boeing 787 [36046 / 317]

Registration: 5Y-KZJ
Operator: Kenya Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
5Y-KZJKenya Airways787-82015ZA663, 73rd in Charleston, to be sold to AWAS and lsd back on del, frd CHS-PAE 01.09.15 for str, Boeing N-rgd 03.09.15, canc 20.10.15, BOC Avtn bt and lsd back on del
A4O-SZOman Air787-82016frd NBO-VCV 17.04.16 for repaint, frd VCV-MCT 14-15.05.16, fis 30.05.16
5Y-KZJKenya Airways787-82019own BOC, arr AUH 08.05.19 for repaint, ret MCT 08.06.19
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
5Y-KZJ Kenya AirwaysEGLLAV8 Photos
5Y-KZJ Kenya AirwaysOTT/OFFstewartgholman
5Y-KZJ Kenya AirwaysOTT/OFFstewartgholman
5Y-KZJ Kenya AirwaysOTT/OFFRJflyer
5Y-KZJ Kenya AirwaysEGLLEGLL Spotter
5Y-KZJ Kenya AirwaysEGLLFlyDroo
5Y-KZJ Kenya AirwaysEGLLWarthog1
5Y-KZJ Kenya AirwaysLFPGcolinw
5Y-KZJ Kenya AirwaysEGLLcolinw