Boeing 787 [40693 / 4]

Registration: N7874
Operator: Boeing
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Production
Status: Historic
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N7874Boeing787-82009cn first thought to be 34638 for NW, RR engines, s on prodline 27.05.09 tailplane in NW col, 12.09 unpainted, in hangar for wingfix, first flight in simplified white/blue proto colours, frd Everett to BFI 24.02.10, pkd BFI by 06.12.11, engines removed and to be fitted for VIP customer, s08.12 str no engines, ff 17.11.14 as 'eco demonstrator' (photocap) being used for flight trials of more then 25 new technologies aimed at improving environmental impact, first flight since 05.16 on 07.12.16, will
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N7874 BoeingKBFIcolinw
N7874 BoeingKBFIcolinw