Boeing C-17 Globemaster III [50077 / P-73 / F-76]

Registration: 00-0173
Operator: USAF - United States Air Force
HEX Code:
Engines: PW F117-PW-100 x 4
Fleet Name: Spirit of the Aleutians
Type: Military
Status: Written Off
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
00-0173BoeingC-17A Globemaster III2001
00-0173USAF - United States Air ForceC-17A Globemaster III200128.07.10 nr Elmendorf AFB 4(i) cr performing an airshow practice flight, stalled at agressive right turn after take off (pilot error) / s6.06.00 Boeing LB some bits and pieces, named "Spirit of the Cascades" . sLB 19.05.01, 62nd AW, 517th AS 09.0
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
00-0173 USAF - United States Air ForceOTT/OFFWarthog1
00-0173 USAF - United States Air ForceEDDFAyronautica