Bombardier CRJ-200 [7299]

Registration: C-FWWU
Operator: Voyageur Airways
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CF34-3B1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
C-[CRJ-7299}BombardierCRJ-200LR1999Production reg not conf, if known please update this record
G-MSKOMaersk Air UKCRJ-200LR1999Crossing Borders nc, is 24.3.99, repainted BA bcs white tail BOH 31.03.02, sold to WFBN 28.05.02
N781BCBombardier Services CorporationCRJ-200LR2002spkdEXE British AW bcs no tit still with G-reg 06.06.02, frd-->KEF 06.12.02, sCalgary grey-bcs 06.02.03, s Styrian-fcs 06.03.03
OE-LSCStyrian AirwaysCRJ-200LR2003arrAMS td, csd ops KLU 24.03.06, frd--GRZ 30.03.06, frd-->KEF bound Canada 04.04.06, not brup as reported earlier
N299BSBombardier Services CorporationCRJ-200LR2006
XA-UHUALMA - Aerolineas MesoamericanasCRJ-200LR2007
N299BSBombardier Services CorporationCRJ-200LR2008unk loc
C-FWWUVoyageur AirwaysCRJ-200LR2009rgd 19.01.09, sHLA "UN"-tit 15.08.11, ret Voyageur AW and arr YYB 22.11.12, frd-->HBE for United Nations operations 12.02.13, frd Heraklion--Goose Bay 30-31.12.16 white, UN titles, frd GLA--North Bay 20-21.04.17 after UN duty, Voyageur AC r18.02.19, model changed fromm 100LR to 200LR on CCAR 18.02.19
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OE-LSC Styrian AirwaysEDDFAyronautica