Bombardier CRJ-200 [7313]

Registration: VQ-BOU
Operator: Ak Bars Aero
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CF34-3B1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
C-FMNBBombardier IncCRJ-200ER1999
N639BRAtlantic Coast AirlinesCRJ-200ER1999FUNB, s28.05.99 UnEx col
N639BRUnited ExpressCRJ-200ER1999
N639BRIndependence AirCRJ-200ER2004csd ops IAD 05.01.06, frd-->TUS 22.01.06, frd-->FNT 07.11.06, own USB 15.12.06, own Trust N695BR N696BR N697BR 22.12.06
N639BRChautauqua AirlinesCRJ-200ER2006s Continental Express-cs 05.04.07, ret Trust N695BR N696BR N697BR 03.09
N639BRContinental ExpressCRJ-200ER2006
XA-FMIMexicanaLinkCRJ-200ER2009csd ops GDL 28.08.10
N639BRLessorCRJ-200ER2011frd-->TUS 11.02.11, N-reg canc to Bermuda 28.11.11
VQ-BOUAk Bars AeroCRJ-200ER2011sYYZ 02.12 with XA-FMI underneath wing, csd ops unk loc 13.01.15
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N639BR United ExpressKORDWarthog1