Bombardier Dash 8 [4010]

Registration: N404AV
Operator: LC Peru
HEX Code:
Engines: PW150A x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
C-GFUMBombardier Aerospace CorporationDHC-8-4021999
N480DCBombardierDHC-8-4022001s23.10.98 Downsview in prod, LN-RDA reall, s str Toronto Downsview 21.10.00 primer no reg, in trust with FSB, sDownsview 7.02.01
LN-RDJSAS Scandinavian AirlinesDHC-8-4022001FSB r15.03.01, BoC r16.08.01, SAS Norge r17.07.02, SL Pinn r18.10.02, type wfu with SAS 28.10.07 after incidents, sCPH 28.12.07 tt 11821, 14327 l, s26.07.08, frd CPH-Exeter 06.08.08 SAS fc, SAS Norge r08.09.08, sExeter 17.09.08 no engines, frd to CPH 10.10.08, s str 18.09.09, s "still" str Nyk
N404AVLessorDHC-8-4022011WFBN N-rgd 28.12.11, frd TRF--GTF 30.12.11, for sale via 04.13, frd Great Falls--San Andres 22-26.11.13, N-reg canc 29.11.13 to OB-
OB-2076-TServicios Aereos de los AndesDHC-8-4022013
OB-2076-PServicios Aereos de los AndesDHC-8-4022014sJacksonville FL 22.02.15 now white (was in full Andes cs), ret lessor
N404AVLC PeruDHC-8-4022015sLIM fcs, minor damaged 19.08.18 AYT Lima, landed with nose gear retracted, wfs, AL ceased 23.11.18
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