Bombardier Dash 8 [4012]

Registration: LN-RDP
Operator: SAS Scandinavian Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: PW150A x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
C-FWBBBombardier Aerospace CorporationDHC-8-4021999
OY-KCASAS Scandinavian AirlinesDHC-8-4022000on prodline 29.05.99, Downsview 29.08.99 no props, OY-KCB reall, SE-LRC reall, arr COP 19.01.00, trainingfl 25.01.00, is 7.02.00, wfu 23.03.00 as OY-KCA
LN-RDPSAS Scandinavian AirlinesDHC-8-4022000is as such 24.03.00, own SGOK 29.03.00, type wfu with SAS 28.10.07 after incidents, frd Aalborg-CPH 21.11.07, str s28.12.07, tt 12885, 16423 l, SAS Norge r11.04.08 ex lse, frd CPH-Exeter 14.05.08, s Exeter 30.06.08 basic col, frd to CPH 22.07.08, airtest 24.07.08 basic col, sCPH 20.08.08 PAL col as RP-C3035, presum ntu, s05.12.08 still at CPH, SAS Struktur LN-rgd 19.03.09, frd to Nyk
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